- Usually 3rd year
- Serve as liaisons between graduate students and the department faculty and staff
- Keep the committees on track to fulfill their responsibilities
- Chair officer meetings
- Can tell you who is on which commitee
- Manage SGSA bank account
- Handle reimbursements for SGSA
- Arrange for funding from industry contacts
Graduate Assembly (GA) Delegate
- Attend monthly GA meetings (free food!)
- File paperwork for GA funding at the beginning of each semester
- Keep graduate students updated on GA happenings
Graduate Assembly (GA) Alternate
- In line to be delegate next year
- Attends meetings if Delegate cannot
Student Seminar Committee
- Organize student seminars
- Organize grad student talks at Berkeley-Stanford and Berkeley-Davis Colloquia
Social Committee
- Mostly, organize weekly Friday wind-downs
- One foosball tournament each semester
- Yearly lunar new year potluck
- Organize one-off social events for special occasions (e.g. Pi day)
- Run T-shirt design contest
Party Committee
- Organize Fall Party and Spring Picnic
- Do basically nothing else
Hospitality Committee
- Attend the weekly Freedman lunch (before Covid)
- Welcome Neyman seminar speakers and faculty candidates at weekly lunch (before Covd)
- Match up prospective/incoming grad students with current grad mentors
- Organize the Visit Day happy hour
Diversity Committee
- Plan and host various diversity intiaitives, including:
- Graduate sharing circles
- Outreach panels
- Book club
- women’s lunches
- gender issues discussion
- Collaborate with faculty on diversity initiatives and provide input
Web Committee
- Hi!
- Join us, we don’t do a whole lot
- Maintain and organize the SGSA site (and files, e.g. pictures)
- Maintain the SGSA Google calendar (do we do this anymore?)
- Maintain the SGSA Facebook page (not sure we do this either?)
- Pursue other committees to contribute content
- Maintain pages with advice on what incoming students need to do and whom they need to contact to do it